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Why didn`t some people like Jesus?

When he was here on earth, Jesus was a perfect human being. He was humble, loving, kind, and obedient to God. He healed the sick and raised the dead. He willingly came to earth and preached God’s beautiful message of the coming kingdom. [...]

What is salvation and its importance?

The thought behind the word salvation is to rescue and to deliver. Every human being born in Adam has need of salvation. The death sentence passed upon Adam was because of his disobedience in the Garden of Eden. This death sentence has been inherited by every human [...]

Why doesn’t God heal the sick?

The short answer to this question is that it is not yet time for sickness and suffering to end. God has set a time to make things right. Ecclesiastes 3:11: He has made everything beautiful in his time.“ He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set [...]

How old was Jesus when he died?

We know that as the Lamb of God who corresponded to the original Passover lamb, Jesus died in the Jewish month of Nisan on the 14th day.For the 10 years of the governorship of Pontius Pilate, under whom Jesus died, there is only a [...]

You say that the 144,000 is the number of the Bride of Christ. Is that the actual number? I understand that God did not take the whole body of Adam to give as a bride. So it is with the Second Adam. Surely the whole body of Christ is not the Bride, but the number is.

144,000 is the actual number of those sealed by God that will comprise the church class and bride of Christ (See Revelation 7:4). To some, this appears to be a very small number of those that have faithfully served God. After all, there are [...]

How do I read and understand the parables in the Bible

JESUS' PARABLES in CONTEXT New Albany - Louisville Bible Students Ecclesia, 2015 I. II. CONTENTS Introduction 5 The Parables of Matthew; Sometimes Also Found in Mark and/or Luke 13 Matthew 13 — Parables Related to the Seven Church Periods 15 EPHESUS — The Sower; 13:3-23 (Cf. Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:4-15) [...]

Why did Jesus tell his disciples to buy swords?

Why did Jesus tell his disciples to buy swords? Jesus was a man of peace, who healed the sick and stood up for righteousness at every turn as God’s representative. He carried out his mission perfectly, preaching about God’s kingdom and dying as [...]

What is sin and what can we do about it?

Sin is anything that misses the mark of God’s perfect, divine standards, like a bullseye on a target where God’s standards are represented by the innermost circle. What we say, do and think can be sinful. Humans have one BIG thing in common: [...]

Do people turn into angels when they die?

There are NO examples in the Bible of this happening - and no one in the Bible says it does. Sometimes books, movies or our own imaginations can introduce incorrect concepts not taught in the Bible. The first man God created, Adam, was [...]

Do any antichrists currently exist? (United States)

The prefix “anti” can mean counterfeit or against, but most importantly, it means “in place of.” Hence, willful opposition to Christ by enemies such as the Roman emperor Nero and others were “anti-Christ” activity. However, those who substitute their own methods for Christ’s methods [...]

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