Perhaps you are thinking about Hebrews 9:27, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this judgment.” Let’s take a look at all of Hebrews 9 in order to identify the “men” of verse 27.

Chapter 9 overview: Paul is comparing the typical tabernacle (and its sacrifices) of Israel with the antitypical sacrifices fulfilled by Jesus and His church. The first seven verses identify the structure and furniture of Israel’s tabernacle. Paul then proceeds to focus on the Day of Atonement sacrifices starting with 9:7. The real import of the tabernacle (as far as Paul’s topic of sin offering and covenant is concerned) is the ONCE A YEAR service by the High Priest, NOT WITHOUT BLOOD, for the benefit of himself and of the sins of the people. Paul begins verse 8 by showing that the entire tabernacle arrangement was a work of the Holy Spirit to SHOW or SIGNIFY to us the meanings of the Christian calling. NOW the way into the Most Holy of the tabernacle has been opened to us by the shed blood of Christ (Matt. 27:51, Heb. 6:19, Heb. 10:20).

The following several verses compare the establishment of the Law Covenant with the future establishment of the New Covenant. Both covenants require animal sacrifices. The Law needed bulls and goats; the new needs the precious blood of Jesus and the church. Paul concludes his dissertation on how the antitypical tabernacle serves the antitypical covenant in verses 23-28.

:23, The antitypes rely on better sacrifices.
:24, Jesus (the antitypical bullock) entered heaven on our behalf.
:25, The Aaronic priest went into God’s typical presence (in the Most Holy of the tabernacle) annually with the blood of bulls and goats.
:26, Jesus manifested himself once to actually do away with sin.
:27, Just as the Aaronic priesthood was required to “die” in type (via their animals) annually, and then God would pronounce His favorable judgment for Israel so
:28, the Christ’s blood was accepted for the sins of the world.

In summary, the men of verse 27 were those Aaronic high priests who performed the Atonement Day sacrifices (and were themselves typified in those animals). God accepted the sacrifices (the good judgment) and the High Priest came out and blessed the nation. The context shows this verse is not talking about what happens to each man as he dies.

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