Questions and Answers2020-05-08T01:23:37+00:00

James 4:4 says whoever is a friend of the world is the enemy of God. But then how did God "so love the world" in John 3:16?

There is a difference between "loving the world" in a positive sense and "loving the world" in a negative sense.Let's look at John 3:16 in how "God so loved the world that He gave His [...]

Matthew 6:15 says "But if you forgive the trespasses of men then God will not forgive your trespasses." Does this have to do with God denying you salvation if you fail to forgive the wrongs your fellow men have done to you?

Salvation became necessary for all people because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God’s command (Genesis 3:17-19). Disobedience to God is sin, and sin leads to death (Romans 6:23). Through the sacrifice of his perfect [...]

How do I know if I am spiritually restored?

For Christians, an appropriate definition of being “spiritually minded” is devoting, or consecrating, one’s life to developing and possessing a mindset that prioritizes God and His word first in one’s life. Our lives are finite, [...]

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