Yes, this is the time when all that was lost through Adam’s sin will have been fully restored to holy perfection. Then Christ will have completed the work of atonement. He will have accomplished the following:

  1. The New Covenant will have been sealed with Jesus’s precious blood opening redemption to all.
  2. The Little Flock of saints will have become joint-heirs with Christ and will be resurrected with the divine nature. (2 Peter 2:9,10; Titus 2:14; Romans 8:29)
  3. The reconciliation, the full restoration (Acts 3:20-22), of an earth full of perfect, happy human beings will be complete. This restitution will be on God’s terms: humanity will be fully instructed (Isaiah 11:9) in righteousness and self-control, and completely loyal to God. They will have the spirit of holiness and possess it’s blessed fruits – meekness, patience, kindness, godliness – love.
  4. All opposing God’s righteous, those whose influence would not be beneficial to others nor a glory to God, will have been judged unworthy of life. They will die the second death, meaning non-existence.
  5. Thus the world will be fully restored to God’s favor (as was Adam before he sinned), but they will have had a most valuable experience with evil. They will have learned a lesson on the sinfulness of sin (Romans 7:13), and the wisdom, profit and desirableness of righteousness. People will possess greater knowledge and a wider development of their abilities than had Adam. 
  6. This lesson will also profit the holy angels, who will have witnessed God’s Justice, Love, Wisdom, and Power in a way which they could not have conceived possible.
  7. Finally, this lesson will stand eternally and will be applicable to other races yet uncreated on other planets of the wide universe.

What will be the center of the story as it shall be told throughout all eternity?  It will be the story of the great ransom finished at Calvary and of the atonement based upon Jesus’s sacrifice. This will forever demonstrate God’s Love and Justice are exactly equal