If you do to the very best of your ability you will get a great lesson as to your inability to do perfectly. Then, realizing that God, cannot approve that which is imperfect and self-condemned, you will he ready to pray, "God be merciful to me a sinner." (`Luke 18:13`) Then the Lord will reveal to you the fact that there is only one door of salvation–Christ. Then, still desiring peace with God, you will seek Christ and be found in Him. The most God asks of anybody is that he do the best he can. We all need a Savior, for the reason, as St. Paul declares, "Ye cannot do the things that ye would." (`Gal. 5:17`) We cannot do perfectly because we are imperfect; we are imperfect because we were born in sin and "shapen in iniquity." (`Psa. 51:5`) The Jews, who were under the Law Covenant, tried to justify themselves before God by what they did, but wholly failed. In discussing this question the Apostle points out that the only hope for deliverance is through Christ Jesus, who as the great Deliverer will come and turn away ungodliness from them. (`Rom. 7:18-25`)