As narrated in Luke 2:21-23, the mother of Jesus, in conformity with the Law which had been given to the Israelites by the Lord God through Moses, presented him in consecration to the heavenly Father. (See Exodus 13:12,15,6) This presentation could not take place until the time of the mother’s purification had been fulfilled, which according to the Law (Leviticus 12:1-4) would require 40 days. All of the first-born of the children of Israel are represented as belonging unto the Lord, and to redeem these from sacrificial service the Law required that a substitute should be offered, either a lamb, or two doves, and these must be sacrificed. (Exodus 13:12-15.) We believe that it was this Jewish custom that is largely responsible for the consecration services observed by some of the Lard’s saintly people of the present day. 1 Samuel 1:22-28.