The six-pointed star is a very ancient symbol that is found in ancient cultures all around the world. It does appear in pagan cultures and pagan religious practices. However, there is no historical evidence that this ‘Star of David’ has ever been directly incorporated into Satanic ritual practice. It is the five-pointed star that is used in Satanic rituals.

The Star of David originated long before it was adopted by the Jewish faith. It appeared thousands of years ago in the cultures of the East; cultures that use it to this day. In the past, what we know today as the Star of David was a popular symbol in pagan traditions, as well as a decorative device used in first-century churches and even in the Muslim culture.

In Hebrew history, the Star of David is actually referred to as the “Shield of David” (magen David), a phrase first mentioned in the Babylonian Talmud, not as a symbol, but as an epithet for God. Another link to the shield concept is a Jewish legend according to which the emblem decorated the shields of King David’s army. The renowned Rabbi Akiva chose the Star of David as the symbol of Bar-Kochba’s revolt against the Roman emperor Hadrian (Bar-Kochba’s name means “son of the star”). 

There are several interpretations of the meaning of the Star of David. Most frequently, the star is associated with the number seven (derived from the six points plus the center). This number has considerable religious significance in Judaism, which can be noted in several examples including the six days of creation plus the seventh day of rest.

Another view of the Star of David locates its meaning in the name David itself. In Hebrew spelling, David contains only three characters, two of which are “D” (or Dalet, in Hebrew). In ancient times, this letter was written in a form much like a triangle, similar to the Greek letter Delta (?). Thus, the symbol may have been a family crest formed by flipping and juxtaposing the two most prominent letters in the name. 

The Star of David only became a distinctly Jewish symbol in the mid-14th century, when the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV granted the Jews of Prague the right to carry a flag, and they chose the six-pointed star. From Prague, the use of the Star of David as an official Jewish symbol spread, and so began the movement to find Jewish sources that traced the symbol to the House of David. This symbol has been found in 3rd-4th century BCE ruins of a synagogue in Sidon.