There really is no difference. In the morning, it’s good to set aside a few minutes to read a Bible verse with an accompanying commentary. Then all day reflect on that scripture to apply it to your life. At the top of the home page of Bible Christian Resources is found the Daily Heavenly Manna. The Manna is a compilation of daily scriptures with spiritual thoughts to help us all grow in Christ. The book is named after the manna the Israelites picked every morning while traveling through the wilderness. God supplied this food miraculously and it was gathered daily, or it would spoil. We too need fresh spiritual food daily to feed our new creature.

When we open our eyes to a new day, our hearts rise to the Lord in thanksgiving. As Christians, we are so blessed that we desire to serve and glorify God throughout our waking hours. One spiritual devotion many have memorized is as follows:

My earliest thought I desire shall be, “What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord [for grace to help]. I will pay my vows unto the Most High.” — Psalms 116:12-14

Remembering the Divine call, “Gather My saints together unto Me; those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice” (Psalm 50:5), I resolve that by the Lord’s assisting grace I will today, as a saint of God, fulfil my vows, continuing the work of sacrificing the flesh and its interests, that I may attain to the heavenly inheritance in joint-heirship with my redeemer.

I will strive to be simple and sincere toward all.

I will seek not to please and honor self, but the Lord.

I will be careful to honor the Lord with my lips, that my words may be unctuous and blessed to all.

I will seek to be faithful to the Lord, the Truth, the brethren and all with whom I have to do, not only in great matters, but also in the little things of life.

Trusting myself to Divine care and the Providential overruling of all my interests for my highest welfare, I will seek not only to be pure in heart, but to repel all anxiety, all discontent, all discouragement.

I will neither murmur nor repine at what the Lord’s providence may permit, because “Faith can firmly trust Him, Come what may.”

This resets our priorities away from the earthly to the spiritual.