A dove is a favorite figure with the Jews as an emblem of peace and salvation. Indeed, Noah’s dove, with its olive branch, seems to have become such a symbol to all nations. A dove, by its nature, is a symbol of the spirit of meekness, patience, long suffering, kindness, love, and faithfulness which is the spirit of the Father – the holy spirit.

When Jesus was immersed in the Jordan, some figure needed to be used as an outward evidence of divine blessing. The dove was that figure. It fitly represented the fullness of Jehovah’s spirit of love in Jesus. Yet, we are not to suppose that the holy spirit is a dove, nor that it has bodily shape like a dove, but as instructed in all the Scriptures, the holy spirit is a divine power or influence. 

Christian believers also manifest the fruit of the spirit which is the meek and quiet spirit. This spirit is one of the striking ornaments of all those who possess the spirit of holiness unto the Lord.