We answer that "it" is the soul that is restored or resuscitated. What was it that died? The Scripture reply is: "The soul that sinneth, it shall die." The living, intelligent, sentient being is to be raised up by Divine power in the time of resurrection–"when all who are in their graves shall come forth." (John 5:28,29)

A CD player furnishes an excellent illustration of the resurrection. The CD has digital signals formed upon it by sounds or music. After the CD is recorded, it may be laid away and preserved for many years while the player is destroyed. But by and by the CD is taken from storage and put into a new CD player. There, the original sounds are reproduced. 

So it is with the individual. His character (CD) is formed by the daily experiences of life. His body corresponds to the player. In the course of time, he dies. The body is destroyed and the character or identity is preserved by the Lord–we don't know how nor where. In the resurrection the character (CD) will be placed in a new body (CD player) and the original thoughts, memory, etc., will be reproduced.