Jesus’ dear friend Lazarus was very sick. But instead of visiting him right away, he waited until Lazarus had died and been in the tomb for four days (see John 11:17). Why? Because this way the miracle would have the most powerful effect. Lazarus was truly dead. No one could say he was just resting deeply or in a coma. 

In a seemingly curious conversation, Jesus first told his disciples that Lazarus was “sleeping,” and that he would go and wake him up. The disciples, thinking he was referring to ACTUAL sleep, said that if Lazarus was resting, then he would get better. (see John 11:12) Jesus then told them plainly that Lazarus was dead. (see John 11:14)

Here Jesus gave us a clue as to what death is like – sleeping. With God’s power, Jesus will eventually awaken EVERYONE who has ever died out of this “sleep” condition in the future resurrection. (see John 5:28,29)

After Jesus said that Lazarus was dead, he added, “…I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, that you may believe.” (John 11:15, NKJ) He meant that seeing Lazarus raised would help them believe in the resurrection power of God – which would soon become a great comfort to them after Jesus was crucified.

This miracle made a lasting impression on many. (see John 12:17,18) Before Jesus performed the miracle, he prayed aloud in front of Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, and other witnesses, thanking God for hearing him. He said this so they would believe that God DID actually send him to be the Savior of the world (see John 11:42). Jesus made it clear that the power to raise Lazarus was coming from God and not himself. 

In our day, when we learn about this miracle, we not only recognize God’s power through His son, but we see the compassionate character of Jesus. When he arrived and saw all the people crying, he cried too. In the shortest scripture in the Bible, John (11:35, NIV) said, “Jesus wept.” Even though he KNEW Lazarus was going to be raised, he STILL felt sad and sympathized with everyone who was crying. His reaction helps us more easily relate to the human man, Jesus.

So, why did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead? To give evidence of God’s power over death through Jesus, to encourage and strengthen the faith of his disciples, and to help us all better imagine the joy of what the resurrection will be like in God’s future kingdom!

This video is from Christian Questions Podcast. For more information please go to