When we are young, the thought of having no rules and getting to do “whatever we want” sounds pretty good! But actually, without rules, our lives would be disorganized and confused.

Rules keep us safe. When drivers follow the rules of the road, there are fewer accidents. Imagine if there were no traffic rules telling us when to stop or go!

Rules encourage fairness, like if your Dad says you need to share your toys with your friends or take turns playing a game. That way, everyone can play!

Rules instruct us how to behave and keep order. At recess, we wait patiently in line to go down the slide. Nobody is happy when someone pushes ahead of their turn.

Rules help us to be courteous to others. We don’t talk loudly in the library because others are trying to read and study quietly. Rules that encourage courtesy produce a nice environment for everybody.

Rules help us avoid bad consequences, like when your Mom warns you not to touch the hot stove – and for good reason! She doesn't want you to get hurt.

Good parents make good rules. They know what is best for you and want you to succeed in all aspects of your life. Ephesians (6:1, NLT) says, “Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do.”

God gave rules in the Bible, so if He thinks rules are good, then we should too!

Through Moses, God gave a list of hundreds of specific rules for the Israelites to follow – this was called the Law, and included the well-known Ten Commandments. When the people followed them, they were blessed. When they didn't, negative consequences followed.

Jesus also gave us rules to follow. In John (13:34, NIV) he said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

So, why do we need rules? Because without them, our lives would be in disorder, causing frustration, unhappiness, and confusion! Let’s do our best to follow the good rules we are given by God, Jesus, our parents, our schools, and our churches – that way, it will be nicer for everyone!

This video is from Christian Questions Podcast. For more information please go to https://christianquestions.com