The Christian is NEVER instructed or encouraged by the Bible to study demonology. It is our deeply held conviction that people should not go looking into these types of subjects out of curiosity, because darkness is dark and darkness is subtle.

God has revealed through the Bible very few details about the spirit world. Demonology is comprised of satanic, man-made mythology, folklore and mysticism. We are instructed to avoid all thing relating to the occult, witchcraft, demons, communicating with the dead, etc.

The study of demons and Satan fills our minds with troubling images and ideas. The study of demonology is unscriptural and dangerous to our spiritual health. Our time is profitably spent on studying positive, godly topics. Darkness hates the light, so the more light from God we reflect, the better. As we fill our minds with wholesome spiritual things, praying for guidance and help is essential. The Apostle Paul encouraged believers to trust in the Lord, saying, “…If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) We do not need to fear demons or anything else if we are fully equipped with the armor of God (Ephesians 6) and walking as we are instructed.

Additional Resources:
Christian Questions Podcast
Episode #1305: “How Do Satanic Demons Influence Our World?”
Establishing the origin, power and methods of dark spiritual beings
Preview Video
CQ Rewind Show Notes

PDF Booklet: “Fortune Tellers and the Spirit World – What Does the Bible Say?”

For children, parents and Bible class teachers?
Animated video: Who is Satan?
Animated video: What does the Bible say about Satan?
Animated video: Why should we avoid fortune telling, witchcraft and ouija boards?
Animated video: What is the armor of God?