In the Bible, we read about Zachariah and Elizabeth, a Jewish couple who were faithful in following all of God’s commandments and requirements. (see Luke 1:6)

However, Elizabeth could not have children, and now they were very old. (see Luke 1:7) But God sent the angel Gabriel to deliver a message to Zachariah that he and Elizabeth would miraculously have a son named John, who would be great in the eyes of God. (see Luke 1:15) He would be filled with the holy spirit – God's influence and power working in his life – even before his birth! (see Luke 1:15)

It’s believed that Elizabeth and Mary, Jesus’ mother, were related, perhaps cousins. If so, this would make John and Jesus cousins, too! Luke describes John when he was young: (1:80, NIV) “And the child grew and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel.”

Matthew (3:4, NASB, see also Mark 1:6) describes John as a man: “Now John himself had a garment of camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist; and his food was locusts and wild honey.”

In Hebrew, “John” means “God is gracious” – and He certainly is! Other New Testament writers – Matthew, Mark, and Luke – attached “the Baptist” to his name.

John the Baptist was a great prophet of God. He urged the Jewish people to repent from their sins and turn their hearts back to God. His goal was to point to a coming messenger who was more important – Jesus! He prepared the hearts of the people so they could receive Jesus and his teachings. One day, when John was baptizing people in the Jordan River, Jesus walked up to him to be baptized, too. In Matthew we read, “But John tried to prevent him, saying, ‘I have the need to be baptized by you, and yet you are coming to me?’” (3:14, NASB) “But Jesus said, ‘It should be done, for we must carry out all that God requires.’ So John agreed to baptize him.” (3:15, NLT)

God graciously gave John the privilege of preparing hearts for Jesus and baptizing the Savior of the world!

The start of Jesus’ mission would signal a decrease in John’s popularity. John understood that Jesus was the beloved son of God, and people should stop looking to John and start looking to Jesus. (see John 3:28) John humbly told his disciples about Jesus, “He must become greater; I must become less.” (John 3:30, NIV)

John the Baptist later lost his life because he stood up for righteousness. (see Mark 6:21-27) But his life remains as an example to us of dedication, purpose, and humility.

In speaking of John’s faithfulness and the privilege of his work, Jesus said, “among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist;” (Matthew 11:11, NIV)

So, who was John the Baptist? A prophet whose mission was to bring the people back into a relationship with God by repenting of their sins. He also pointed the way to Jesus, preparing the hearts of the people to follow him.

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