God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.”  (Matthew 5:3 New Living Translation) This does not mean a person must be in poverty. Poor in spirit is referring to our heart’s sadness because we are alienated from God. 

There is a great blessing in knowing we need God.

When we realize our need for God, we see that He is the source of all truth.  (John 17:17)

When we realize our need for God, we see that we are born in sin and that He has provided us deliverance and redemption through Jesus, His son.  (Romans 3:23; John 3:16)

When we realize our need for God, we see that everyone needs Him, and that He has provided a plan that reaches out to every member of our human family through a resurrection on a new Earth under the rulership of Jesus and his “bride,” his faithful followers. 

When we realize our need for God, we can hear and respond to His invitation to totally surrender our lives to Him as symbolic “living sacrifices,” dying to our own will and living in delight to do His will.  (Romans 12:1;  Psalm 40:8)

When we realize our need for God, we see that He is the provider of all our need.

We realize He is able to satisfy our needs in HIS way, His best way, according to His riches of glory in Christ Jesus.  (Philippians 4:19)

When we live faithfully in this personal relationship to the Father through our personal relationship with Christ, the kingdom of heaven is ours.  We can look forward to our part in heavenly glory, blessing every person who has died in Adam with earthly life, healing and instruction in truth, pointing the way to Jesus as personal Savior and supporting and instructing people in overcoming their old habits.  (Revelation 1:6; 21:1-5; Isaiah 35)

When we realize our need for God, we see He is the source of Truth, Provision and Deliverance from sin and death for ourselves and for all. We see that our relationship with our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ are the most fulfilling of all relationships.  When we realize how God has supplied all these needs, we live a purpose-driven and fulfilling life, now and for eternity.  (Ephesians 2:6-7)

And that is the epitome of being blessed!

Additional Resource: Christian Questions Podcast Episode #1213: “Is God Happy With My Attitude? (Part I)” Uncovering the life-directing principles in the Beatitudes of Jesus