Dinosaurs fascinate us as they did the inspired writer of Genesis. In almost everyone’s  imagination mentioning them spawns vivid images of these dread-inspiring beasts  who once ruled earth. Dinosaurs belong to the fifth creative epoch (Genesis 1:20-23) and the original  Hebrew employs awestruck language to describe them: "great monsters," "swarming sea creatures," and "winged creatures." The word "whales" in the  King James Version is simply incorrect.

Current geophysical estimation of earth’s atmosphere during this period would point towards the fifth “day” (or Epoch- for the time was clearly much longer than 24-hours) as a time of very low oxygen concentrations in the atmosphere.  Were we able to step into a time machine and visit during this epoch we could not breathe the atmosphere without an air pack.  The scientific consensus over the last 20 years is that the age of dinosaurs (Cretaceous) came to an end when a planetary-wide disaster of a large 3-mile diameter meteor impacted the earth.   The very large dinosaurs did not survive this catastrophe, but the smaller flying ones did.  Birds are dinosaurs who are able to accomplish the most demanding of tasks in the animal kingdom – flight – and they are capable of doing this at altitudes where we would pass out from lack of oxygen.  Birds exhibit care and love for their young and the evidence suggests some of the larger land-based dinosaurs did so also – the footprints of the herds show that the young and infirm were protected at the center of the herd.

So, do not feel too bad for them.  The dinosaurs are alive and well and singing in the trees.  When you think about it, the bald-eagle, chosen to symbolize the United States is a dinosaur.