Few phrases ring more true than “actions speak louder than words.”  In the case of Zacchaeus we might wonder what prompted Zacchaeus to climb the sycamore tree in the first place.  Luke 19:1-3 tells us that “he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy.  He wanted to see who Jesus was, but being a short man could not, because of the crowd.”  Climbing the tree allowed him a bird’s eye view of Jesus. His occupation as a chief tax collector for the Roman government came with the reputation of being an irreligious, unscrupulous, sinner.  Zacchaeus, a Jew, was probably more honest than most in his profession, yet he realized he fell short in his dealings with others, and in God’s eyes.  Jesus had evidently read his heart, and sensed his longing for righteousness and purpose in life.  Very little is told of what the Lord said to Zacchaeus as he dined at his home that evening, but it most likely included an invitation to Zacchaeus to become his follower, and what would be required of him if he accepted that invitation.  “If any man would be my disciple, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me” were the words Jesus spoke on other occasions during his ministry.  Becoming a disciple of Jesus and living a sacrificial life of service for God, was likely included in their conversation that evening. The decision by Zacchaeus to give half of his possessions to the poor, and to pay back those he may have cheated four times the amount owed to them, indicates that Zacchaeus saw great value in what Jesus was offering.  Under the requirements of the Law one-tenth of his yearly income was his obligation to religious matters.  His desire to greatly exceed that amount shows a wonderful condition of heart.  After meeting the master face to face, his goal was no longer monetary success.   He had wholeheartedly accepted Jesus’ gracious invitation, and had grasped the import of what Jesus taught him.  He evidently surrendered his life, and all that he had, to the cause Jesus had laid before him.  His growing faith would be shown by his works and his works began immediately by what he gave to the poor. A heart overflowing with gratitude prompted great generosity in the new walk that Zacchaeus had begun.