James 1:27 “religion pure and undefiled with the God and Father is this, to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation.” To “look after” could mean helping in a variety of ways besides adoption.

God originally instructed Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and multiply…”(Genesis 1:28). Obviously, without a man and woman there would be no children. The two would share the joys, responsibilities and burdens of raising children. The two would balance each other’s ideas as how to best provide for, guide and discipline the child. Two would contribute financial, emotional and physical support.

The closer we live to God’s original intention the more we’ll be blessed. However, are there still blessings for those who are in less than perfect situations? (For example are widows blessed? Yes, but generally they have emotional scars from the experience.) Scripturally, there is no prohibition against a single person adopting, nor is it encouraged. However, it would be harder for a single person to raise a child by him/herself. Please consider: how will you will financially and emotionally support the child over the next twenty-five years? How is your own health and energy level? Would you be adopting a newborn or an older child with some emotional baggage? A Christian adoption agency would have counselors to help you explore your own feelings in the matter.

You may be comparing your present loneliness with raising the ideal child. Children develop through experiencing challenges, and need direction. You would need to stay close to the Lord for wisdom from above. (James 1:5-7)

As Christians with faith, we look to the Lord to supply our needs. If He doesn’t provide something, we must not need it. We must not tell the Lord what to do. An outlet for love is certainly a basic need. See what the Lord directs. Maybe He’ll bring a wonderful spouse into your life, or maybe you can help raise a relative’s or neighbor’s child, or perhaps you could volunteer for Big Brothers/Big Sisters. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5,6)