In the book of Mark, Jesus performed many miracles. Two important categories are awakening from death (5:35-43), and healing of people possessed by unclean spirits (1:23-26; 1:32-34; 5:1-20; 9:25-29).  The New Testament describes Jesus awakening three people, and these are detailed by the evangelists (Mark 5: 35-41, Luke 7: 11-19, Matthew 9: 23- 26, John 11: 20-44) and illustrate the future awakening of all mankind from the sleep of death in Christ’s Kingdom.  

The original Greek word used in some awakening accounts, “egeiro,” (Strong’s G1453) means “to waken, rouse from sleep…from non-existence” Some may think of Jesus’ awakenings of Lazarus, Jairus’ daughter, and the widow’s son as resurrections (anastasis, Strong’s G386) promised by the heavenly Father. This error causes confusion. Actually, Lazarus, Jairus’ daughter, and the widow of Nain’s son were simply restored to consciousness (egeiro), from the death sleep.  “…The child is sleeping.” (Mark 5:39 ESV).  

There is a great difference between awakening (returning to existence) and resurrection or complete restoration to human perfection (Adam’s original state).  All three awakened individuals died again as they were still under Adam’s death sentence. The importance of these miracles lies in their ability to exemplify the eventual return to life of all that sleep in death.  “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” (1 Corinthians 15:22)  The miracles did not provide complete raising from the fall of Adam’s sin back to full perfection.

The second category, individuals possessed by evil spirits or demons, demonstrates God’s power through Jesus over the fallen angels. Both Jude and Peter speak of angels “…who did not keep the position originally assigned to them…”  (Jude 1:6 Weymouth).  In Noah's day, some angels sinned by mating with human women. These demons/angels have since been held in chains of darkness awaiting judgment (2 Peter 2:4).  Jesus’ command over demons to leave possessed individuals points to the importance, and necessity, of God’s inevitable future banishment of evil. 

The importance of the miracles recorded by Mark lies in the portrayal of God’s absolute power exercised through Jesus. Jesus’ miracles included the healing of human ailments, commanding the forces of nature, and as discussed here, the banishment of evil spirits, and even the conquering of death.  These miracles point us to Christ’s reign on earth when all of God’s willingly obedient children may live forever in earthly paradise. Revelation 21:4, “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”