God’s judgment against unrighteousness is unalterable and eternal. He declared unto Adam that in the day he disobeyed he would die. (Genesis 2:17) The Apostle Paul wrote that the wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23) Notice that there is no mention of “eternal torment.” Surely if eternal torment had been his fate, God would have warned Adam.

This judgment of death was, is, and always will be God’s way of disposing of sin. For the wrath of God is revealed against all unrighteousness. (Romans 1:18) God’s judgments against unrighteousness are often referred to as fire, such as a “the fire of my jealousy,” “the fire of my wrath,” “fiery indignation,” “God is a consuming fire.” (Zephaniah 3: 9; Ezekiel 22:31; Hebrews 10:27; 12:29)

The Matthew text in question mentions nothing of “torment,” but it does refer to a place of everlasting punishment (death or destruction) for all who follow the ways of Satan (eventually Satan will be destroyed).

We must distinguish between temporary punishment and everlasting punishment. The death sentence pronounced upon Adam and his prosperity would have been an everlasting punishment (permanent death) if Christ had not laid down his life as a ransom. By doing so, Christ redeemed Adam and purchased the entire human race. 

Now, the death that was pronounced upon Adam is referred to by Christ as a sleep (temporary) for they all will be awakened from the grave. (John 4:28, 29) During the awakening (the 1,000-year reign of Christ) there will be a separation between two classes of mankind – sheep and goats. The sheep class are the ones who will accept and be led by Christ and his precepts. The goat class are the ones who fail to develop and come into harmony with the law of love. It is this class that reject Christ as their teacher and redeemer and fall into the hand (judgment) of the living God. Their death sentence will be eternal (permanent, everlasting). … “And they were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.” Revelation 20:13-15.

Additional Resource:

Christian Questions Podcast Episode #1237: “Will I Survive God’s Final Judgment?”
Learning the application and meaning of the Parable of the Sheep and Goats
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CQ Rewind Show Notes