Sometimes at school or church, we might be asked to lead others, maybe on a team or for a group activity. As Christians, we must watch our behavior extra carefully to be sure we are copying the life of Jesus in everything we do. Fortunately, we have excellent examples of strong leaders in the Bible.

Leaders who are pleasing to God are humble. They don’t brag about their abilities, but instead give credit to God, who put them in the leadership position and gave them the skills to succeed. Jesus is our best example because at every turn, he was humble. In the book of John, Jesus said, (John 8:50 Christian Standard Bible) “I do not seek my own glory…” and (John 8:54 Good News Translation)   “…If I were to honor myself, that honor would be worth nothing…” 

Good leaders rely on God with strong faith, praying and watching for His direction so they can follow His will. Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. Joshua continued the work when Moses died, (SEE OUR VIDEO, “WHO WAS JOSHUA?” leading the people into the promised land of Canaan. Both men looked to the Lord for direction using their powerful faith.
Good leaders put their absolute trust in God. When the Jews were in danger of being killed in the kingdom of Susa, Queen Esther bravely approached the king to speak with him. The rule was if you came to the king without an invitation and he did not accept you, you could be put to death. Esther said, (Esther 4:16 Good News Translation) “…I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. If I must die for doing it, I will die." To save her people, she was willing to accept God’s will, whatever it was.

Good leaders are focused. The primary focus of the Apostle Paul’s life was telling people about Jesus and following his example of living a life of righteous principals. Leaders like the Apostle Paul often went through many difficult experiences that even threatened their lives, but they never gave up on their primary goal.

So, what makes a good Christian leader? Giving all credit to God, being humble, having strong faith, praying often, watching for God’s direction, being focused and determined, never giving up and always accepting God’s will.

How many more outstanding leaders can you find in the Bible?

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