There are seemingly many contradictory statements contained in the Bible, and these are due to several causes. One source of error lies in translations from the original Hebrew and Greek into the various modern languages. It is claimed that the Authorized and Douay Versions of the Bible may need up to twenty thousand corrections! The Revised Versions, both English and American have corrected many of these errors but not all. No one would claim the translators were inspired

Another cause for seeming contradictions is that many scripture texts have been interpreted without their logical and topical connections. Some Bible teachers do not harmonize all the scriptures on a subject. They may conclude verses have a contradictory meaning when they are interpreted without the entire testimony of the Bible. In this way, the Bible can be made to support any theory. For instance: in one place it says Judas “went out and hanged himself,” and then in another place “go thou and do likewise!” We are certainly not to follow Judas’ example! To those who “rightly divide the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15), there is not a single contradiction without a reasonable explanation in all of the sacred writings.

Additional Resources:
Christian Questions Podcast Contradictions Series
Part I: Does the Bible Contradict Itself?
Part II: Does the Bible Contradict Itself?
Part III: Does God Contradict Himself?
Part IV:  Why So Many Contradictions Surrounding Jesus’ Resurrection?
Part V:  What Profound Secret Does Creation Reveal?
Part VI:  Do the Accounts of Jesus’ Life Contradict Themselves?
Does the Apostle Paul Contradict Himself? (Part I)
Does the Apostle Paul Contradict Himself? (Part II)
Paul or Matthias: Who Was the Real 12th Apostle?
Did the Apostle Paul Contradict Jesus?
Is God REALLY Omnipotent?
Does God REALLY Require Human Sacrifices?
Does God Ever Tempt Us?