Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all?” 1 Corinthians 15:29

A proper scriptural understanding of Christian baptism and salvation is needed to answer this question, and we encourage review of the Additional Resources listed below.

A misunderstanding of the Apostle Paul’s words has led to the concept of a substitutionary baptism: Christian people whose friends had died without baptism were baptized for them representatively. Correct views of the meaning of real baptism can quickly clarify the matter. One person could no more consecrate himself for another person than he could transfer either his natural or his spiritual life to another person. Therefore, someone living cannot be baptized in the place of someone who died.

The Apostle’s topic was the resurrection of the dead, and he is here elaborating on the resurrection. Evidently, some had lost faith in this doctrine. In the verse 29, he calls our attention to the fact that believers had all been baptized, and that their baptism symbolized death. To show the inconsistency of the new position, Paul asks where would be the value of a consecration to death, as their baptism suggested, if the new theory that the dead rise not at all were true? They had consecrated themselves to be members, to die with one another, and one for the other in fellowship with Christ, and thus to be dead with him. And as members of Christ’s body, members of the great atonement sacrifice on behalf of the dead world, they did this in the hope of the promised resurrection.

The Apostle’s argument is that the whole Christian position stands or falls together. If there is no resurrection of the dead, then those who are fallen asleep in Christ are perished as well as the remainder of the world. If such is the case and there is no future hope either for the Church, or for the world through the Church, why should we consecrate our lives unto death? We are baptized into death with Christ, baptized for the dead, to the intent that we may be associated with Jesus as the Life-giver of the world – the “seed of Abraham.”

Individuals are baptized to symbolize the consecration they have made to God. If that consecration is accepted and that person has received God’s spirit and proved faithful, they will be raised as part of the Bride of Christ, the true church that will be a part of ministering to the world in the future kingdom. It is only in this sense that the “church is baptized for the dead.” We hope to assist our Lord in the restoration process of the hearts of mankind to bring them back to full fellowship with God (Isaiah 31:33,34). This will happen after the dead are resurrected in the days of restitution (Acts 3:19-21).

Additional Resources:
Christian Questions
Episode #1306: “Are Christians Really Baptized Into Christ?”
Comparing several biblical baptisms with baptism into Christ
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CQ Rewind Show Notes

Episode 1231: “What if I’m Not Good Enough for Heaven?”
Uncovering the destiny of humanity’s billions who don’t go to heaven
Preview Video
CQ Rewind Show Notes

Please look for more FAQ questions/answers about restitution under the topic: “Salvation, Ransom and Restitution.”