Daily Devotional for February 22
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have. (Hebrews 13:5)
SELFISH prayers are too expensive. Some have gained wealth and lost the truth and its service; some have gained health, only to find that with it they gained other trials no less severe: some have had their dear ones restored to them from the very jaws of death, only to wish afterward that God had not answered their prayers--or, more correctly, to wish that they had accepted the Lord's wisdom and providences trustfully, contentedly, uncomplainingly....Spiritual Israel should use wisely such things as are within their reach--accepting all as God's gifts with thanksgiving; but their petitions should be for spiritual gifts--including patient endurance and heart contentment. Z.'02-250 R3061:3
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By patient continuance in welldoing seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life. (Romans 2:7)
WHAT are we seeking? This is a good question for each one of us to put to himself, and for us to suggest at a proper time to all others who are manifesting any interest in present truth. We know what the world is seeking--wealth, honor, fame, ease, etc.--and we know that many who turn toward the Lord still have the spirit of the world. They would like to be the Lord's disciples and still have and cultivate and enjoy the hopes and ambitions that are more or less worldly. It is appropriate that we should give heed to the Master's words as though they were addressed to each of us individually, What are you seeking? Let us answer our Master in our own hearts and in prayer; and before we make answer let us consider well that it may be a truthful one, for we might indeed deceive ourselves, but could not deceive him with whom we have to do. It is right that we should seek the kingdom and that we should know that there is a great honor and glory and dignity associated with it by divine arrangement, and that thus we should “seek for glory, honor, and immortality.” But in conjunction with this seeking of the kingdom we should remember our Master's words on another occasion, that we should seek chiefly the kingdom of God and his righteousness. `Z'08-13` R4116:2 (Hymn 78)
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