Jesus loved to spend time with children. When parents brought their children to him so he could pray for them, his disciples tried to stop them, thinking they were bothering the Master, but in Matthew (19:14, NLT)  Jesus said, “…Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” He meant that his followers needed to adopt the humble and teachable qualities of children. 

Here are some ways that kids can serve God:

Children have a responsibility to their parents to be obedient and respectful. One of God’s commandments is to “Honor your father and mother.,…” (Exodus 20:12, NLT) Colossians (3:20, ESV) says, “Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.”

Children can also serve God by copying the qualities of His son, Jesus. Be an example to your friends of kindness, compassion, and unselfishness. Encourage others like Jesus did. Record a nice message or song, draw a picture, or make a card for someone who is sad or sick. Sit with a classmate who looks lonely. By copying Jesus, your time and efforts become special gifts – and God loves a cheerful giver! (see 2 Corinthians 9:7)

If you have brothers or sisters, be kind to them by playing with them and supporting them if they need help with their homework or making friends.

Ask others how you can be a blessing. Parents will appreciate it if you help around the house with a good attitude, and teachers are always looking for extra help!

Begin a relationship with God by praying – if you feel shy, write Him a letter! If you don’t know what to say, make a list of blessings and tell Him what you are thankful for.

Study the people of the Bible. This shows God that you are interested in His word and getting to know His people. Become inspired by godly leaders and important prophets in the Bible!

Memorize scriptures. These will bring you even more comfort as you get older. Being able to recite scriptures by memory helps us feel closer to God and His word.

It might be difficult, but we all need discipline. Parents sometimes have to teach their children when they are wrong. Proverbs says that good parents discipline their children out of love. (see Proverbs 13:24) So let’s do our best to receive instruction in a thoughtful and humble way, because it’s meant to help us do better. 

So, how can children serve God? They can respect and obey their parents, copy the qualities of Jesus, be kind to their siblings, ask others how they can be a blessing, pray, study the Bible, memorize scriptures, and receive instruction in a humble way. Proverbs (20:11, NLT) says, “Even children are known by the way they act, whether their conduct is pure, and whether it is right.”

This video is from Christian Questions Podcast. For more information please go to