Knowing how to do the right thing can be hard sometimes, but God knows this and wants us to try our best. Here are some ways we can do the right thing:

Be gracious if we lose. Nobody succeeds at everything in life. If we are on the losing team, let’s practice good sportsmanship by genuinely congratulating the winning one. It’s okay to be disappointed, but not okay to have bad feelings towards others who succeed. We can still have fun even if we don’t win! And if WE are the winner, we shouldn’t brag about it. Being humble is an important quality God wants us to have!

Be honest. Suppose we were playing too roughly in the house and broke something. Instead of hiding or denying it, we would admit what we did and apologize. Then we would try to be more careful. God hates lying, (see Proverbs 12:22) so let’s be truthful!

Consider the feelings of others – like when you’re at home, at school or on the playground. We should try to be patient when waiting for our turn to use equipment or play a game. If someone is speaking, let’s listen rather than being in a hurry to talk over them.

Have a sharing attitude – being selfish is no fun for anybody! If you have a favorite toy or snack, try sharing so you can enjoy it together. Most likely, next time when they have something nice, they’ll want to share it with you, too!

Be generous with your time and talents – this pleases God. 2 Corinthians (9:7, NIV) says, “…God loves a cheerful giver.” Do we grudgingly help out around the house or classroom, or do we look for ways to be a blessing before we are asked?

Be polite and respectful of others. We can regularly use these nice phrases: “thank you,” “please,” and “excuse me.” Using our quiet voice in church or other public places like restaurants and libraries is also a way to be polite and respectful and not disturb others.

Stand up for what’s right. This can be hard if we have friends who pressure us to do things we don’t agree with. If someone is influencing you to go against what you know to be right, ask a parent or a trusted adult for help.

So, how can we do the right thing? We can be gracious if we lose, be honest, be considerate of others’ feelings, share, give freely of our time and talents, be polite and respectful, and stand up for what’s right.

This video is from Christian Questions Podcast. For more information please go to