The prophecies of Isaiah (11:15), Jeremiah (14, 46:10; 51:3), and Daniel 5 had limited fulfillment in the downfall of the ancient, literal city of Babylon built upon the river Euphrates which had great impact on its resources. The overthrow of historic Babylon by Cyrus was accomplished by the turning aside or drying up of those waters. This is an illustration of Messiah who will overthrow symbolic Babylon and establish the kingdom for which we pray, “thy kingdom come…”. It is notable that Cyrus’ name signifies “the sun,” and reminds us of the prophecy of Christ – “The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in his beams” (Malachi 4:2).
Revelation 16:12 foretells that the river shall be “dried up—that the way of the kings of the East might be prepared.” We understand the kings of the East to represent the body of Christ, the Royal Priesthood. Revelation 5:10, “Thou hast made us unto our God kings and priests, and we shall reign on the earth.”
In Isaiah 44:28, the Lord speaks of Cyrus as His shepherd who would lead back Israel. In Isaiah 45:1-14, He calls him His “anointed,” (the same Hebrew word for “Messiah”) saying, “Thus saith the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden to subdue nations before him…” In this prophecy, Cyrus is a further illustration of Jesus, “the good shepherd,” the Prince in Revelation who is shown as drying up the symbolic Euphrates and destroying symbolic Babylon.
The prophesied time for the fulfillment of the symbol is indicated by the drying up of the river under the sixth vial of the “Day of Wrath.” The book of Revelation should not be taken literally here. In the fall of Babylon, under the seventh vial as shown in the symbolic language of Revelation, waters symbolize people. The turning aside of the “waters” would represent the alienation of the people. This alienation of the people would be indicated by their withholding of financial and other support systems.
Babylon literally fell because when “tried in the balances,” it was found wanting (Daniel 5:25). Symbolic Babylon falls for a similar reason. When the Lord Jesus Christ takes his power as earth’s new king, like Cyrus, he will initiate a new kingdom.