First, we need to examine our hearts. Have we completely given up our wills with all of our human hopes, desires, dreams and ambitions to God? Have we consecrated our lives to do His will? I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service” Romans 12:1. When we surrender ourselves to fully obey God, we become spiritually minded. We look away from self and its weaknesses, knowing they are covered by the merit of Jesus’ sacrifice. This gives us the strength to search the Scriptures honestly.  We want to receive “the word with all readiness of mind, and search(ed) the scriptures daily” Acts 17:11.

As we turn away from the world’s interests, the service of God will become the all-absorbing theme of our lives. We study the Bible to increase our knowledge of God’s plan for all mankind. We want to serve God in spirit and in truth; otherwise, we might be serving incorrectly. (See John 4:23, 24.)  We could feel sincere but might still be incorrect about how to obey God’s will. 

We should also delight to share God’s gracious plans with others. 

Our prayer life, too, is of vital importance. We are told in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to “pray without ceasing.” This means we keep ourselves in an attitude of prayer. We thank God instantly throughout the day for all His little and great blessings. We ask for forgiveness instantly when we become aware of wrongdoing. Additionally, we pray to Him on behalf of others as soon as we know of their needs. We may also have longer periods of prayer when we pour out our hearts asking for His guidance, for greater wisdom, and for more of His spirit to be our guide. 

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Christian Questions Podcast
Episode #1300: “I’m a New Christian! Now What?”
Uncovering the many “need to know” aspects of living for Jesus
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