We realize Christian sects have many different ideas regarding baptism. We personally believe that baptism into Jesus includes repentance for sins, remission of sins (the taking away of sins) and the begettal of the holy spirit to a new life (Acts 2:38).  To us, baptism by water is only the outward manifestation of an internal commitment by the Christian to do God’s will in his life. Therefore, baptism is extremely important because it is a visible pledge of a good conscience.   

Receiving baptism with the Holy Spirit makes that person a new creature in Christ. Christ means anointing and the Holy Spirit is the anointing baptism that the Christ (Jesus and His church) receives when God accepts a person’s consecration to dedicate his life to do only God’s will. Our new life involves our study of God’s word. It is our study, meditation, and obedience to God’s will that transforms and prepares the Christian for heirship in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ (Titus 3:5-7, Romans 12:1-2). 

Consequently, if you were baptized as a young child, you probably were not aware of the serious commitment that baptism entails. Once you understand what baptism really means, you may be moved to sacrifice your own will to do the will of God in order to become part of the body of Christ.  If that is the case, you may desire to symbolize that inward commitment by the baptism of water.  Certainly it would definitely not be a sin to be baptized a second time once you fully understand its true meaning.

Additional Resource:
Christian Questions Podcast Episode #1306: “Are Christians Really Baptized Into Christ?”
Comparing several biblical baptisms with baptism into Christ