
How do you know if you're a prophet? Most people today think they are certain titles but their calling could be totally different.

In Matthew 23:1-30, Jesus warns his disciples to avoid the love of worldly pride and prestige that were enjoyed by the religious leadership of the time. In his words, Jesus emphasizes the importance of recognizing God alone as the supreme authority of all things. He further reminds his disciples that he himself, Jesus, is the [...]

June 20th, 2023|Articles, Christian Character and Conduct, Church History, False church, Jesus’ Life, Teachings, and Death, Life Decisions and Doing the will of God|Comments Off on How do you know if you're a prophet? Most people today think they are certain titles but their calling could be totally different.

Why do we need rules?

When we are young, the thought of having no rules and getting to do “whatever we want” sounds pretty good! But actually, without rules, our lives would be disorganized and confused. Rules keep us safe. When drivers follow the rules of the road, there are fewer accidents. Imagine if there were no traffic rules [...]

June 19th, 2023|Children's Videos|Comments Off on Why do we need rules?

During Israel’s 40 years wandering in the desert, I’ve read they fought battles. Did they have losses?

In Exodus 17 we read that Israel was attached by the Amalekites in an area called Rephidim, thought to be in the southern part of the Sinai Peninsula. From the description in Deuteronomy 25 and Exodus 17, it appears Israel did have losses.“Remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way as ye came forth [...]

June 18th, 2023|Articles, Bible and Bible Characters, Israel, Middle East|Comments Off on During Israel’s 40 years wandering in the desert, I’ve read they fought battles. Did they have losses?

What is the new world order?

The new world order will not be one created by man. No one has the power or intelligence to bring harmony out of this chaotic world. We are more divided as a people today than we have been for a long time. There is only one possibility for a true world order. It is one [...]

June 17th, 2023|Articles, Future Prophecies, Kingdom and the Millennium|Comments Off on What is the new world order?

What are in the seven sealed books of God?

There are not seven sealed books in Revelation. There is one book, or rather a scroll, with seven seals on it. That scroll first appears in chapter 5: “And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. And I saw [...]

June 17th, 2023|Articles, Church History, False church, Revelation|Comments Off on What are in the seven sealed books of God?

Why does Satan attack the believers more?

Knowing the promise of his loss and power and his destruction stated in Genesis 3:15, Satan has targeted those who pose the greatest threat to his power. God foreknew Satan would especially attack Jesus and sincere Christians. God spoke to the serpent (representing the power of Satan) after Satan deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden. God [...]

June 17th, 2023|Articles, Church and The Bride of Christ, Satan|Comments Off on Why does Satan attack the believers more?
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