
In the book is Revelation 5th chapter, when the lamb takes the book out of the hand of Him who sits on the throne. Is this a picture of Jesus fulfilling the prophecies when he walked the earth?

The one sitting on the throne is clearly a reference to God Himself. Revelation 4:11 says of Him, “for Thou hast created all things.” Chapter 5 then opens with God holding a book which was sealed with seven seals. This is followed by an angel loudly proclaiming, “who is worthy to open the book and [...]

June 9th, 2023|Articles, Revelation|Comments Off on In the book is Revelation 5th chapter, when the lamb takes the book out of the hand of Him who sits on the throne. Is this a picture of Jesus fulfilling the prophecies when he walked the earth?

Our first parent were made in God's image. What kind of relationship do you think He intended to have with them (and with us) at first?

Scripture illustrates that God created Adam and Eve in His image in order to create a close family relationship. Genesis 1:20-31: And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the [...]

June 9th, 2023|Articles, Creation, Evolution, God, Faith|Comments Off on Our first parent were made in God's image. What kind of relationship do you think He intended to have with them (and with us) at first?

How are we supposed to recognize if the miracle or the supernatural thing is from devil or from God?

We know that God has this power to gave us the supernatural things or maybe it’s called miracles in our lives but we know at the same that devil has the same power. Then how am I supposed to recognize if the miracle or the supernatural thing is from devil or from God?   To [...]

June 9th, 2023|Articles, God, Faith, Satan|Comments Off on How are we supposed to recognize if the miracle or the supernatural thing is from devil or from God?

How many days was Noah and his family and all pair of animals inside the ark?

Noah entered the ark when he was 600 years old, specifically in the 2nd month, the 17th day of the month:Genesis 7:6-13: (NASB 1995) 6 Now Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of water [e]came upon the earth. 7 Then Noah and his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives with him [...]

June 6th, 2023|Articles, Miscellaneous Bible Questions|Comments Off on How many days was Noah and his family and all pair of animals inside the ark?

What does the Bible say about angels?

In the Bible, the word “angel” means “messenger.” God sent angels to deliver messages to specific people, like when the angel Gabriel delivered a VERY important message to Mary about the birth of Jesus! (see Luke 1:26-38) The Scriptures suggest angels can look like fire, (see Hebrews 1:7, Exodus 3:2), or a bright light, [...]

June 5th, 2023|Children's Videos|Comments Off on What does the Bible say about angels?

What is the third heaven where Apostle Paul was taken to?

The third heaven is literally called “the third heaven” in 2 Corinthians 12:2. This third heaven is what Jesus calls his “Father’s house” (John 14:2) and both Jesus and the Apostle Paul call “paradise” (Luke 23:43, 2 Corinthians 12:2-4, Revelation 2:7). This third heaven is where God and the heavenly sanctuary exist (1 Peter 3:22). Since Elijah could not [...]

June 4th, 2023|Articles, Heaven and Earth|Comments Off on What is the third heaven where Apostle Paul was taken to?
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