
What are some wisdom lessons for children about our words?

In the book of Proverbs, King Solomon and others offer wise advice - especially for young people growing up and learning to live a life that puts God first. Choosing our words carefully is important:  “A kind answer soothes angry feelings, but harsh words stir them up.” (Proverbs 15:1, Contemporary English Version) Conflict can [...]

January 30th, 2023|Children's Videos|Comments Off on What are some wisdom lessons for children about our words?

What are some wisdom lessons for children about God?

In the book of Proverbs, King Solomon and others offer wise advice - especially for young people growing up and learning to live a life that puts God first. Our relationship with God is very important! “Respect and obey the LORD! This is the beginning of knowledge. Only a fool rejects wisdom and good [...]

January 18th, 2023|Children's Videos|Comments Off on What are some wisdom lessons for children about God?

How can someone exercise the power of God through prayer and fasting? (Nigeria)

Summary: Prayer and fasting are useful to enter into a humble, obedient heart condition. But even if a consecrated Christian does have a holy heart condition, that does not mean God will exercise His power to answer that prayer.Discussion: God uses His loving, just and wise power according to His will. Consider Jesus, the only [...]

January 16th, 2023|Articles, Prayer|Comments Off on How can someone exercise the power of God through prayer and fasting? (Nigeria)

How can I overcome sinful behaviors? I've tried so hard, and I still fail. (United States)

"I will go in the strength of the Lord God: I will make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only." (Psalm 71:16) THE tears and sorrows and battlings in strife against the world, the flesh, and the devil are all very necessary in the present time. We should neither hope nor expect to be crowned [...]

January 11th, 2023|Articles, Christian Character and Conduct, Miscellaneous Bible Questions|Comments Off on How can I overcome sinful behaviors? I've tried so hard, and I still fail. (United States)

What does the Bible mean by the end time or perilous times? (Sierra Leone)

We are living in the end times. This is the time when Satan's old order will be torn down and when Christ will establish God's kingdom on earth (Daniel 2:44). It is perilous to believers because there are so many lies, deceptions, and temptations that try to take us away from God.  “But know this, [...]

January 9th, 2023|Articles, Judgment, Kingdom and the Millennium, Past and Present Prophesies|Comments Off on What does the Bible mean by the end time or perilous times? (Sierra Leone)

I want to know exactly who does miracles and shows the way between God and Christians. (Zambia)

Jesus shows us the way to God and how to live. He said, “...I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” - John 14:6 NKJV    “...He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” [...]

January 9th, 2023|Articles, Marriage|Comments Off on I want to know exactly who does miracles and shows the way between God and Christians. (Zambia)
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