
What is the importance, power, and potential of an adolescent girl? (Ghana)

An adolescent girl is very important. Her simple idealism, faith, hope, and vigor can be a source of encouragement to other believers. She can begin to serve God with her whole being to His glory.  Mary was an adolescent when God favored her to become Jesus’s mother. The LORD was with her. (See Luke 1:28.) [...]

October 14th, 2022|Articles, Life Decisions and Doing the will of God, Miscellaneous Bible Questions|Comments Off on What is the importance, power, and potential of an adolescent girl? (Ghana)

What does the Bible say about Satan?

God created the spirit being we know as Satan. The prophet Isaiah indicates he was once known as “Lucifer.” (see Isaiah 14:12 - KJV uses the term “Lucifer”) He calls him “son of the morning,” but other translations (of the Bible) say “star of the morning,” implying he was bright and beautiful, like a [...]

October 10th, 2022|Children's Videos|Comments Off on What does the Bible say about Satan?

Would you say that America has come under the judgment of God as we see so many happenings that seem to clearly lineup with the Bible? I'm reminded of the Israelites and their disobedience and idolatrous ways—-God poured out His wrath upon His Chosen people. (United States)

Yes. In fact the entire present evil world (Galatians 1:4) is under God’s judgment.Consider the symbolic picture in Revelation 19:11-12, 14-16 (NKJV), 11 “Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. 12 …on His [...]

October 5th, 2022|Articles, Judgment|Comments Off on Would you say that America has come under the judgment of God as we see so many happenings that seem to clearly lineup with the Bible? I'm reminded of the Israelites and their disobedience and idolatrous ways—-God poured out His wrath upon His Chosen people. (United States)

Does Satan have power to claim, kill or take away someone's life? (Uganda)

Hebrews 2:14 (NIV), “Since the children have flesh and blood, he (Jesus) too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death--that is, the devil-’’ How much does Satan have to do with the calamities of the present time (the storms, earthquakes, [...]

October 3rd, 2022|Articles, Miscellaneous Bible Questions, Satan|Comments Off on Does Satan have power to claim, kill or take away someone's life? (Uganda)

Romans 9:11-18. I cannot understand why God hardens some peoples hearts so they will not understand. Why then does the word also say He does not wish that any should perish. I’m so confused and every version of the Bible does not get through to my understanding of these scriptures. (United States)

Romans 9:11, 14-16, 18 (ESV), 11 “. . . God’s purpose of election might continue, not because of works but because of him who calls-- ... 14 What shall we say then? Is there injustice on God's part? By no means! 15 For he says to Moses, ‘I will have mercy on whom I have [...]

October 1st, 2022|Articles, Bible and Bible Characters, Salvation and Ransom|Comments Off on Romans 9:11-18. I cannot understand why God hardens some peoples hearts so they will not understand. Why then does the word also say He does not wish that any should perish. I’m so confused and every version of the Bible does not get through to my understanding of these scriptures. (United States)

Why did God harden Pharaoh’s heart? Doesn’t God want everyone to be saved? (United States)

Several scriptures in Exodus say, “I will harden his heart.” Exodus 4:21 is letting Moses know the outcome of the ten plagues before they even happen. Exodus 7:13 (and 7:22; 9:12,35) says, “He hardened Pharaoh’s heart that he hearkened not unto them, as the Lord said.” Note why Pharaoh’s heart was hardened – because he [...]

October 1st, 2022|Articles, Bible and Bible Characters, Salvation and Ransom|Comments Off on Why did God harden Pharaoh’s heart? Doesn’t God want everyone to be saved? (United States)
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