
What happened at Pentecost?

Pentecost was the Greek name for a feast celebrating a wheat harvest observed by the Jewish people. They called it the Feast of Harvests or the Feast of Weeks. It took place around May or June, 50 days after the first day of the feast of the Passover, another Jewish festival. In the book [...]

February 26th, 2024|Children's Videos|Comments Off on What happened at Pentecost?

Millions of gay people are happily married, millions of fornicators are in happily nuclear families, but God knows I am so lonely and miserable but still I am not getting a husband or family despite me being faithful to Him. My loneliness and misery has never been soothed all my life. Why would a loving God allow this torment in my life?

We appreciate this question very much and are sorry you feel so much longing and sadness. The desires of the heart can be a long and painful trial for so many of us. The heart wants what the heart wants, but a big part of being faithful to God is allowing His will to be [...]

February 22nd, 2024|Articles, Christian Character and Conduct, God, Faith, Jesus’ Life, Teachings, and Death, Life Decisions and Doing the will of God, Marriage|Comments Off on Millions of gay people are happily married, millions of fornicators are in happily nuclear families, but God knows I am so lonely and miserable but still I am not getting a husband or family despite me being faithful to Him. My loneliness and misery has never been soothed all my life. Why would a loving God allow this torment in my life?

What did Moses use to make the serpent on the pole (Numbers 21:4-5)?

Through God’s guidance and power, Moses led the descendants of Israel out of Egypt, where they had lived for several generations. The people expected Moses to lead them to the land God had promised to their ancestor, Abraham (Genesis 17:8, Exodus 3:7-8). Through God’s guidance, Moses did indeed do so, but the journey was much [...]

February 21st, 2024|Articles, Bible and Bible Characters, Jesus’ Life, Teachings, and Death, Miracles, Miscellaneous Bible Questions|Comments Off on What did Moses use to make the serpent on the pole (Numbers 21:4-5)?

Which is the correct baptism – Matthew 28:18-20 or Acts 2:38?

There is only one baptism for a disciple of Christ. That baptism is to be "baptized in Christ," into his death.How does this work? By what authority do we do this? It is done by the authority that Jesus gave when he ascended up to heaven:Matthew 28:18-20: "And Jesus came up and spoke to them, [...]

February 20th, 2024|Articles, Baptism, Jesus’ Life, Teachings, and Death|Comments Off on Which is the correct baptism – Matthew 28:18-20 or Acts 2:38?

If God says, "Seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you," and also says all the flowers, animals and birds are provided for, why does he actually allow a true believer to live in lack and doesn't provide for us at all? We seek His kingdom sincerely but still struggle in lack.

When a general statement is made, it is important to understand the context and the Divine intention behind the statement.The verses in Matthew 6:25-33 illustrate that God has the ABILITY to supply every need in the animal and plant creation. But He chooses to use this creative ability on our behalf as Christians according to His [...]

February 15th, 2024|Articles, Christian Character and Conduct, God, Faith, Life Decisions and Doing the will of God, Miscellaneous Bible Questions, Sin and the Permission of Evil|Comments Off on If God says, "Seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you," and also says all the flowers, animals and birds are provided for, why does he actually allow a true believer to live in lack and doesn't provide for us at all? We seek His kingdom sincerely but still struggle in lack.

What are the different kinds of love in the Bible?

We can group them into four levels so it’s easier to understand! The first level is “Family Love.” It’s the most basic and common type of love, like the love between you and your parents. Titus, a disciple of the Apostle Paul, advised older women in the church to teach the younger women. (Titus [...]

February 12th, 2024|Children's Videos|Comments Off on What are the different kinds of love in the Bible?
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