The knowledge of God, the Creator, that He is wise and just, loving and all powerful, and that He is our loving Heavenly Father, one that we can draw nigh unto with confidence and trust in every time of need, through the merits of the Anointed Savior, is a wonderful source of comfort and consolation, and is of far more practical benefit than all that earthly wealth or fame could possibly bestow. After all; real advantage or benefit is that which brings peace and happiness to the heart. Those who have the consciousness that they are the children of the Most High God, and that He loves them, and is over-ruling all of the affairs of life to their interest and welfare as spiritual children; ah, these have that inward peace and joy and happiness, that not all the storms, and trials and afflictions of life can mar or take away. The knowledge of the plan of the ages, brings unspeakable joy to those who thus know what God has in reservation for those who love Him; and not only for these, the Church of Christ, but also for all the families of the earth–the world of mankind. In view of the high exaltation to glory, honor, and immortality, at the right hand of the Majesty on high, promised to the Lord's faithful people; how trifling and insignificant must seem the trials and hardships of life! And thus the Apostle Paul expresses the matter saying "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory."