We offer a good booklet that gives principles helpful for Bible study, with an explanation of how to use Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance. Other Bible study techniques are illustrated, and examples given. You will be given a short overview of God’s purpose in creating mankind and His ultimate desire to perfect all the willing and obedient of the human family. Download PDF: “How to Study the Bible” (booklet)
It encourages “topical” Bible study as the most effective way to investigate and understand an entire topic. Studying topically by looking at Scriptures in the Old and New Testaments gives a complete picture of how the Bible is harmonious from start to finish.
We have another free booklet which is more comprehensive. This booklet is a summary of the Christian classic, “The Divine Plan of the Ages.” It covers subjects such as Why God Permits Evil, Epochs of Time in God’s Plan, God’s Judgment Day, Ransom, Restitution and Resurrection, and a chapter explaining the details of the Chart of the Ages. Download PDF: “God’s Grand Plan of the Ages” (booklet)
You can also find many links on the Bible FAQ App that will give you additional options to begin reading and studying various Bible topics of interest to you personally. Please take the time to look at the links and various aspects of the App to get started on your personal quest to understand God’s Word better.
The Christian Questions Podcast is an excellent resource for audio, video and study aids on hundreds of biblical topics. Get started here: How to Study the Bible (article with helpful links from the Chrisitan Questions podcast)
There are “One-Year Bibles” available to purchase at Christian Bookstores or on the Web. If you’ve never read through the Bible, this is an excellent way to read the entire Bible over a one-year period to get an overview of all 66 books of the Bible.
Reading the Bible on a daily basis is a good way to choose special scriptures that speak to your heart and use them for your memorization and meditation. Many people enjoy memorizing verses from the Old Testament Psalms and Proverbs; that may be a good place for you to start. Dedicating 15 to 30 minutes each morning or evening to reading the Bible is a good way to develop a devotional time for yourself. You can recall texts throughout the day to meditate upon and bring the peace of God into your life.
We hope the above suggestions are helpful in beginning your journey to know and understand the Scriptures better and be blessed by the many promises given to us therein.
Additional Resources:
For children, parents and Bible class teachers:
Animated video: How can we memorize scriptures?
Animated video: What’s the best way to study the Bible?