Questions and Answers2020-05-08T01:23:37+00:00

If God says, "Seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you," and also says all the flowers, animals and birds are provided for, why does he actually allow a true believer to live in lack and doesn't provide for us at all? We seek His kingdom sincerely but still struggle in lack.

When a general statement is made, it is important to understand the context and the Divine intention behind the statement.The verses in Matthew 6:25-33 illustrate that God has the ABILITY to supply every need in the [...]

Do you think God chooses who we are to take a wife or husband? They say there is someone for everyone. If one is living in flesh, is it still God putting those two together? Is every marriage from God?

We would question, who is the “they” who says there is someone for everyone? The concept of a “soul mate” has Pagan origins, traced to Plato’s “Symposium” in which one of the characters Aristophanes tells [...]

February 2nd, 2024|Categories: Articles, Life Decisions and Doing the will of God, Marriage|

Will EVERYONE be saved and not just those chosen by God? If so, could you explain on what basis God judges?

When Adam and Eve disobeyed God (Genesis 3), the punishment of death was applied not only to them, but to all their descendants, meaning every subsequent generation of mankind. Likewise, Jesus’ sacrifice of his perfect human [...]

How do we get in Christ? How do we remain in Christ? Can we get out of Christ by not believing anymore or sinning and by not confessing our sins to God?

How do we get "in" Christ?The call to become body members of Christ is described in Romans 12:1,2: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living [...]

In Luke 16:11 Christ saying wealth is unrighteousness. Then why did God bless David, Solomon, Abraham, and many others with unrighteousness wealth?

This verse refer to is part of a series of parables Jesus gave beginning in Luke chapter 15. There, in verse 2, the scribes and Pharisees murmured because Jesus received sinners and ate with them. Because of [...]

December 22nd, 2023|Categories: Articles, Christian Character and Conduct, Jesus’ Life, Teachings, and Death, Parables|

In Psalm 2:7, thou art my son, today I have begotten thee – is applied to Jesus' baptism at Jordan. However, in Acts 13:33, the same psalm is quoted and applied to the day of Jesus' resurrection. How do we harmonize this?

Jesus was begotten of the spirit at his baptism. However, the context of Psalm 2 is in keeping with the Apostle Paul's application that the statement, "this day have I begotten thee" describes Jesus' resurrection. Psalm 2 opens with [...]

December 15th, 2023|Categories: Articles, Baptism, Jesus’ Life, Teachings, and Death, Satan|

When we lose a loved one our automatic response is that they are dancing with the angels or our children are in heaven with family gone before them. My question is are we just dead until Christ returns or are our loved ones with God in heaven upon death.

The Bible confirms that all people go to the grave, to wait as though they are sleeping until the resurrection. Speaking about Jesus, Paul says in Acts 3:21, NLT “For he must remain in heaven [...]

November 22nd, 2023|Categories: Articles, Salvation and Ransom|

"Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not" Matthew 24:23 Considering we believe that our Lord has returned, how should we understand this verse so that we do not believe that the Christ is here? To whom can they say "this is the Christ" that would deceive us? Also: Matthew 24:36 says, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, not the angels of heaven, but may Father only." What day is it that we don't know?

The answer lies in the context of Matthew 24. Jesus begins speaking to his disciples about the coming age. He warned about many coming in his name and deceiving many (verse 5). Then would follow [...]

November 15th, 2023|Categories: Articles, Future Prophecies, Jesus’ Second Advent, Rapture, Satan|
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