According to Genesis 2:2, God rests on the 7th day of creation, but in John 5:17, Jesus says the Father is still working. Is this a contradiction?
Genesis chapters 1 and 2 outline God’s process of creating the earth, the plants, the animals, and finally human beings. Genesis 2:1-3 state that God finished this creative work, and on the seventh “day,” God [...]
What does Revelation 19:6-8 mean? (Marriage of the Lamb)
These verses describe the great rejoicing that will occur in heaven when the marriage of the Lamb takes place. Jesus is referred to as a Lamb because of his previous sacrifice. When he came to [...]
Does God say He will save the Jews?
Yes!The key to seeing the Bible’s harmony is to understand that God has a plan that is currently in progress. Yes, Israel is God’s chosen nation and currently does not believe in Jesus. And yes, [...]
What is "spirit begettal"?
The phrase born again is found in John 3:3: Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. A more accurate translation for born again here is "begotten from above.” It does not describe [...]
What is the message of the true church of Jesus' faithful followers to the world at this time?
There has always been one main criteria for those who seek membership in Christ’s church after being called by God – to love God with all one’s mind and heart and to love one’s neighbor [...]
What is the meaning of Ruth 4:9-12?
Ruth chapter 1 describes how a Jewish man named Elimelech, his wife Naomi, and their two sons travel to the country of Moab. While there, the two sons marry two women of Moab, one of [...]
What does Luke 18:8 mean, "Nevertheless when the son of man cometh shall he find faith on the earth?" (Parable of the Importune Widow)
Jesus was a masterful teacher. He often used stories, known as parables, to convey concepts and lessons in a way that his audience could relate to and apply to their lives. Some parables have multiple [...]
Can you please explain how in Exodus 33:11, the Lord would speak to Moses "face to face as one speaks to a friend," but in Exodus 34: 20 He said you cannot see My face, for no one may see my face and live?
When thinking of the expression, "face to face," we should understand it to signify that Moses enjoyed a closeness of fellowship and favor with the Lord rather than that he really looked into the face [...]
Please explain James 5:1-6. (riches, wealth)
James 5:1-6: (KJV) “5 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. 2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. 3 Your gold and [...]
What was the reason the lawyer asked Jesus the question in Luke 10:25? (Parable of the Good Samaritan)
Jesus used this opportunity to tell the Parable of the Good Samaritan.One of the traditional ways to communicate with the learned men of Israel was by asking questions. First, one would ask a question, and [...]
What did Jesus mean in John 14:2 when he said, "In my Father's house are many mansions"?
In a large sense the whole universe is God’s house, and the different planes and of life are the different “rooms.” My Father’s house: Again, in a large sense the whole universe is God’s house, and [...]
If resurrected mankind gets another opportunity for life in God's future kingdom, wouldn't that make people careless and sinful in this life?
The Bible teaches that in the future, mankind will be resurrected to a state of human perfection, as was experienced by Adam and Eve before their sin. This is part of the “restitution” spoken of in [...]
Where is the Garden of Eden?
The scholarly community is divided as to where the location of Eden was. The following answer presents one viewpoint:Eden – Here is the description of Eden that appears in Genesis 2:10-14, “And a river went out of Eden giving water to the garden; and from there it was [...]
Why did Mary turn to Jesus at the moment of need at the wedding in Cana? (Jesus' first miracle)
John 2:1-11 records the account of Jesus, his mother Mary, and his disciples attending a wedding in Cana. During the wedding, Mary became aware that the hosts had run out of wine. Although the scriptures [...]
How to Study the Bible – FREE Booklet by Mail
Click here to order Only the Bible can give us peace and comfort. We are offering a FREE Bible study guide by mail which explains five helpful methods of Bible study: 1. Exhaustive Topical Bible Study [...]
What is the Parable of the Vine and the Branches about? (John 15:1-11)
(Excerpted from the Herald Magazine)The Vine and Branches (John 15:1-11)The lesson of faith taught by the Apostle Paul (Hebrews 11:1) was to make the invisible things more tangible with their eye of faith. Jesus accomplished this [...]
Israel: Fulfilling Bible Prophecy
See Israel`s dynamic history march across the screen in dramatic film footage. Witness the miraculous fulfillment of Bible prophecy that marks us in End-Times. Explore exciting archaeological discoveries that confirm Israel`s historic right [...]
Special Video: For This Cause
There are many causes that man has pursued through the ages, many selfish...some noble...but none can compare with the cause for which our Lord came...a cause that, as the angel said, will bring [...]
Does Hebrews 5:7 refer to Jesus’ prayers in Gethsemane?
Hebrews 5:7 does refer to Jesus’ prayers in Gethsemane, as recorded in Matthew 26:36-39. This can be inferred from the surrounding verses. In verses 1-4, the Apostle Paul describes the role and characteristics of the [...]
Please explain Hebrews 2:5-8. Is it saying Jesus will rule the world to come as a man and not as a spirit being with divine nature? If it is true that human and divine natures don't mix, then what is the meaning of these verses?
Hebrews 2:5-8: 5 For He did not subject to angels the world to come, about which we are speaking. 6 But someone has testified somewhere, saying, “What is man, that You think of him? Or a son [...]
What is the meaning of Revelation 22:12?
Revelation 22:12: "Behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to reward each one as his work deserves." Verse 12 is in the context of a great vision given to the Apostle [...]
Did Jesus ever speak in “tongues” while on earth?
There are only three instances where speaking in tongues is recorded in the New Testament - Acts 2:1-11, 10:38-48 and 19:1-8. In each instance, those who spoke were apostles who had been given the gift [...]