Should Christians visit fortune tellers or mediums?


The Bible strongly warns us against fortune tellers, mediums, psychics, witchcraft, and sorcery…and this would include tarot cards, horoscopes, and ouija boards, too!

Speaking through Moses, God instructed the people in Deuteronomy (18:9, English Standard Version, 18:10,11 NLT, ) “When you come into the land…you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations…And do not let your people practice fortune-telling, or use sorcery, or interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft, or cast spells, or function as mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirits of the dead.

When Lucifer (later called Satan) was cast out of heaven, other angels followed him – we know them today as fallen angels or demons. Some even call them “spirit guides” to make them sound helpful. No matter what they’re called, they’re actually dangerous and deceitful.

A fortune teller is someone who claims to know the future. But where are they getting this information? Not from God, because he calls fortune telling “abominable,” which means it’s very bad. At best, these so-called predictors of the future are making things up and taking people’s money. At worst, their predictions come from evil, satanic sources. (see Acts 16:16-18)

It’s dangerous to look for answers from the spirit world. For guidance, we should go to God’s word, the Bible, or to God Himself in prayer. Not knowing the future helps us to develop faith and dependence on God, just as children trust their parents and depend on them to feed and clothe them.

A medium is someone who claims they can speak to the dead. But the Bible tells us that the dead can’t do anything and don’t know anything (see Ecclesiastes 9:5,10) – nothing happens in the grave. So who are the mediums REALLY talking to?

Jesus himself described Satan as “…a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44 ESV) Today, Satan is still lying, making people think that the dead can communicate with the living. But according to the Bible, they CAN’T. At best, those who call themselves mediums are putting on a fake show and taking people’s money. At worst, they’re communicating with demons PRETENDING to be dead people, which is evil AND pretty scary.

Those who love God and His word do everything they can to listen to God’s warnings and avoid these harmful practices. At parties or other gatherings, we may see tarot cards (used to tell the future) or ouija boards (used to communicate with the dead). If we see these things, we should leave the room immediately and not have anything to do with them!

Isaiah says, (8:19,20, NLT) “Someone may say to you, ‘Let’s ask the mediums and those who consult the spirits of the dead. With their whisperings and mutterings, they will tell us what to do.’ But shouldn’t people ask God for guidance? Should the living seek guidance from the dead? Look to God’s instructions and teachings! People who contradict his word are completely in the dark.”

So, should Christians visit fortune tellers or mediums? No – NEVER! Their practices are abominable to God, so why would we want to associate with such things?

We should rely on God (who is all-knowing) and His Word, (which is a light for the path of our lives). (see Psalm 119:105) God does and will reveal information to us in His perfect timing. The book of John (5:28,29, NLT) says, “Don’t be so surprised!…the time is coming when all the dead in their graves will hear the voice of God’s Son, and they will rise again…” So at that time, we WILL be able to see and speak to our REAL loved ones!

This video is from Christian Questions Podcast. For more information please go to