We believe Job to have been a real human man. He is so referred to in the following Scriptures: Job 1:1, Ezekiel 14:14-20 and James 5:1. 

However, a great allegorical lesson is taught by Job’s experiences. As a whole, his life represented the experiences of the human family in the loss of everything. Job lost his children, friends, home, health, the affections of his wife. Then came the turning point. He was restored to Divine favor and to all the blessings which he had formerly enjoyed and had more abundance than he ever had before. This shows the experiences of the human race. 

Adam, in Eden, was perfect, joyful and rich in life and a perfect home. He lost all of these, being driven from Eden and compelled to battle with the sterile soil of the earth. By and by, when the “Restitution of all things, spoken by Jehovah through His holy prophets,” shall have come to the world, the human race will likewise be restored to Divine favor and receive greater blessings than ever before experienced.

Additional Resource:
Christian Questions Podcast 
Blog Post: Why did God allow Satan to harm Job?
Blog Post: Why did Job’s friends tear their clothes?