In the Genesis account of the creation of man, it is stated that he was in the "image and likeness of God." The thought of 1 Corinthians 11:7 would more properly be: "Man . . . is the glorious image of God." These words of the Apostle apply, of course, to the first perfect man, and not to man as he is today in his fallen depraved and degenerated state. The woman, also perfect and in God's image, was created to be his "help-meet" (Genesis 2:18) and she would be to man's honor and glory. In 1 Corinthians 11:3, the Apostle further explains that the "head of the woman is the man." (Ephesians 5:22-32) The Heavenly Father has arranged that His Son, the Anointed Jesus, who is in the "express image of the Father's person," (Hebrews 1:3) is to have a Bride (Revelation 21:9). This Bride is to be made up of a class, the elect overcomers of the Gospel Age. When completed and glorified, the Bride, the Church, will be the "Helpmeet" of Christ, and will be to His honor and glory.