Compassion is ACTIVE sympathy. It’s a feeling of wanting to help those who are suffering. In other words, we don't just FEEL bad – we’re motivated to DO something to help, because we want to show our compassion!
God has compassion on US and our sinful condition. Psalms says, “The LORD is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.” (108, 8: NLT)
The Bible says God’s compassion NEVER fails! (Lamentations 3:22) God showed His ULTIMATE compassion and love by sending His only begotten son, Jesus, to earth. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross put into motion God’s compassionate, future plan for ALL mankind. Those who have died will be raised back to life and given an opportunity to live forever on a perfect earth!
When he was here on earth, Jesus had compassion on the people he met during his ministry. Speaking about Jesus, Matthew says,“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36, NLT)
Jesus didn’t coldly look on and then pass by those who needed help – he DID something to relieve that suffering by performing miracles of healing! In Matthew, we read, “A large crowd followed him, and he healed all who were ill.” (12:15, NIV) Notice how it says ALL – Jesus not only had sympathy, but he took that feeling further and demonstrated compassion by DOING something about their illnesses!
While we obviously can’t heal the way Jesus did, God and Jesus don’t want us to be cold and unfeeling towards others who are suffering. But what CAN we do?
First, we can be aware of others’ feelings. Then, we can open our hearts to feel more than just sympathy – we can actively look for ways to show compassion!
Is a new student feeling nervous and out of place? You can show compassion for them by making them feel welcome! Share what you have, ask them to play on your team, or include them with your friends.
If you know someone who is sick or sad, you can spend time with them to cheer them up. Play a game, bring them a gift, or just be a good listener!
Jesus showed compassion towards his enemies, so we should too. He died for EVERYONE. We can't read the hearts of those we disagree with – we don't know why they act the way they do – maybe they’ve had a difficult life.. But we CAN control our OWN behavior, so let's show compassion in OUR actions and reactions, even with those we disagree with.
So, what is compassion? It’s active sympathy. It’s more than just feeling bad; it leads to DOING something to help ease another’s suffering. God’s compassion never fails, and Jesus showed us how to be compassionate by caring for others. How can YOU show more compassion today?
This video is from Christian Questions Podcast. For more information please go to