There has always been one main criteria for those who seek membership in Christ’s church after being called by God – to love God with all one’s mind and heart and to love one’s neighbor as oneself (Matthew 22:37-40). Those who truly understand this criteria give up the pursuits and priorities of the society and world in favor of devoting their lives to developing a mind and character that is a reflection of Jesus (Philippians 3:13-14). Pursuing membership in Christ’s church doesn’t require membership in any particular ecclesiastical system or dedication to any specific political or social view. Quite the contrary, the true church’s devotion is to God alone through His son. As many organized religious systems restructure their views and messages to meet societal changes, the true church understands that God’s plan is executing exactly on time and exactly as intended. This message offers not only an explanation for today’s tumultuous times, but also promises a grand future full of everlasting joy.

The current time in which we live is a transition between two great phases of God’s plan for mankind. God’s kingdom, which will initially be ruled over by Christ and his completed church class (Revelation 20:6), also known as the “bride of Christ” and other titles, is being prepared. Because of this, all of the present systems – including religious organizations/systems – are in the process of being torn down to make way for Christ’s perfect and just rule. Any period of transition brings a certain amount of churn. Bigger transitions generally bring bigger amounts of churn. Consider the points in history where one system of government, rulership, religion or economics came into conflict with another and replaced its predecessor. The transition from mankind’s systems to God’s systems will be greater than all of these other transitions combined, and as such, it will bring with it short-term but intense distress and difficulties for those living through it.

This distress is what the Bible refers to as the “Time of Trouble.” Among other places, it is foretold in Daniel 12:1. This time of trouble is also part of Jesus’ prophecy about the end of the present age, given in Matthew 24. Throughout mankind’s history, there have been many troublous times. However, the Bible teaches that the period of time at the end of the current age, transitioning into the next age of God’s kingdom, will be more difficult than any time before or after (Matthew 24:21).

Many people in the world today feel this great impending change. Many feel that today’s times are somehow “end times,” even if they don’t understand the Bible or God’s plan (Luke 21:26). As people begin to lose confidence in the institutions and constructs they have relied on for so long, new lines of thought are to be expected, as people seek something to put their confidence in. The more rapidly people lose confidence in one system or belief, the more rapidly it is replaced, sometimes by multiple splintering systems or beliefs.

Those members of Christ’s church who understand the reason for the troubled times and the inability of man’s systems and constructs to survive them have a message of hope for any who will hear it. The message is not a new message; it is not the message of any political system, social initiative or even any specific organized religious system. It is a message as old and as pure as the Bible itself. It does not require retooling, restructuring or reinterpretation. Revelation 21:1-4 convey the beautiful prophecy of the future time, after the transitional time of trouble is completed, when all mankind will be brought back into harmony with God and all people, every man, woman and child who ever lived will have peace and joy as they live in harmony with their God forevermore. This is the message the church today has for mankind. Not many will hear it, understand it or accept it now, but for those who will, understanding the reasons for why things are happening today and what will follow tomorrow may with the Lord’s blessing provide comfort and hope in the face of the conflicting and unsatisfying messages of today.

Additional Resources: For further thoughts and studies on the “Time of Trouble,” the current changing of the ages of God’s plan, and the glorious kingdom of God that will follow:
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