There are a number of noble Christians mentioned in the 9th chapter of Acts. Most notably is the Apostle Paul, then known as Saul.  In verses 1-9, the marvel of his conversion is narrated. Paul’s sincerity of conscience is demonstrated in the very fact that Jesus would acknowledge and use him as one of the twelve  apostles of the Lamb.  Even though Paul had vigorously persecuted Christians, God read his heart and knew that it was Saul’s deep devotion to Jehovah that motivated him and that all he needed was proper education as to who and what the Christians were to change his course of action.

Verses 10 – 19 tell us of Ananias’s faithful obedience. Ananias  was willing to accept Paul as a new Christian and to baptize and nurture him in his newness in the faith.

Paul immediately demonstrated his same sincerity of conscience and extreme zeal for God when he preached Christ, not feeling any discomfort in his change of direction.

In verses 26 through 30, Barnabas acted upon his faith when he accepted Paul as a believer. Barnabas had the courage to embrace him as a brother and to introduce him to the apostles. He also protected Paul from those who would have harmed him.

Verses 32 – 35 tell of Peter’s faithfulness and zeal as he witnessed throughout the country, healed Aeneas and converted many in Lydda. Peter persisted in serving God even though he was persecuted.

The chapter closes with the narrative of Dorcas (also called Tabitha). She so zealously used her talents to serve the brethren that when she died, the community of believers greatly grieved her death. Therefore, God directed Peter through the power of the Holy Spirit to raise her from the dead. This miracle provided a profound witness which further served the cause of Christ.

The Lord, in His Word, has blessed us to learn of the faith, zeal, courage and sincerity that Christians demonstrated throughout the experiences recorded this chapter. These accounts provide us with great examples for our own walk in Christ.