To trust in God means to have a firm belief in His truth, ability, reliability and strength.

Proverbs says, (3:5, NLT) “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.” This scripture reminds us that because we are all imperfect, sinful human beings, the way we see things – our “understanding” – is extremely limited, which leads to poor judgment and mistakes.

GOD IS RELIABLE By contrast, God is NOT sinful. His judgment is perfect. He NEVER makes mistakes. Therefore, He is reliable because His knowledge goes FAR BEYOND ours.

GOD IS TRUSTWORTHY Sometimes friends or family members break their promises, but God NEVER does. This means that we can always trust He will do what He says He will do! He has given many special promises in the Bible to faithful Christians who have devoted their lives to serving Him and following Jesus.

GOD CANNOT LIE Because humans are sinful, they don’t always tell the truth, which makes us doubt what they say. But the Apostle Paul in the book of Hebrews (see 6:18) assures us that it’s IMPOSSIBLE for God to lie – another reason He is trustworthy!

GOD PROVIDES FOR US God is the Supreme Creator of the Universe, making all the laws of time and space. We can put our trust in Him and in what He has revealed to humankind through nature and the Bible. God made Earth for His creation because He loves us. He provided everything we need to live, like air, food and water. Good, earthly parents provide what is best for their children. We can trust God even more to know what is best for us! His future kingdom will provide blessings for all who have ever lived!

Faithful Christians trust God because they see His leadings in the little things of their lives, which, in turn, helps them to trust Him for the bigger things. James (4:8, NIV) says, “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” So, deepen your relationship with God today – start with prayer and Bible study.

Ignoring God’s direction and making decisions based on our own limited experience and information will only get us into trouble. The next time we think we know best, let’s remind ourselves that GOD’S way is always the BEST way.

So, why can we trust God? Because He is reliable, trustworthy and cannot lie. God provides for us. His knowledge goes far beyond ours, He never breaks His promises, He loves us and knows what’s best for us, and has a future plan that will bless all of humanity!

This video is from Christian Questions Podcast. For more information please go to