In Jesus’ day, Christianity was just beginning. The people needed extra help in believing Jesus was the son of God. In the book of John (4:48, English Standard Version), a man asked him to heal his son. Jesus said to the man, “…Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.”

Therefore, one of the reasons Jesus performed miracles was to help people see that God was supporting his new gospel message and had turned away from the old system of Jewish sacrifices required by the Law. These miracles prepared their hearts for the spiritual truths that he would teach them.

Also, for many, witnessing healings and miraculous events attracted their attention, increased their faith and made them want to follow him, which was exactly what was needed at the time so that the gospel message would spread far and wide. Back then, there was no internet or social media to get the word out that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah!

Miracles showed the depth of Jesus’ power and gave people back then (and us today!) a preview of what God’s future kingdom will be like. For example, Jesus miraculously fed over 5,000 people, and then later on another group of over 4,000 from just a few fish and loaves of bread. This shows us that he has the power to take care of all of humankind’s needs in God’s future kingdom.

Healing the servant’s ear the night he was arrested teaches us to love and forgive our enemies, just as Jesus expressed in Luke (6:27, NIV): “…Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,…”

All of the times he cast out evil demons shows us his power and authority over evil spirits.

When he raised his friend Lazarus and others from the dead, we see a picture of the future resurrection when he will raise ALL of the dead! (see John 5:28,29)

In addition, his miracles prove that his power and teachings came from our heavenly Father, so we can trust that they are genuine. In John (5:36, NLT), he said, “The Father gave me these works to accomplish, and they prove that He sent me.” Jesus’ miracles show us that he IS the son of God!

So, why did Jesus perform miracles? To help spread the gospel message, to give us a preview of God’s kingdom, to show us how to love and forgive our enemies, and to prove Jesus was the Messiah and his power and teachings were truly from God.

This video is from Christian Questions Podcast. For more information please go to