Most books take us from beginning to end in an easy-to-understand order. But the Bible does not always follow an order that we are used to. Instead, it shows us history by telling us about the past, reports on what’s happening in our present day, and also tells the future – what events, blessings and promises God says we can expect to happen.

This special book contains many types of writings: personal letters, laws, songs, prophecies, family background information, and picture-language that sometimes represents other things. Studying so many different subjects can be a challenge.

It was written in Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek, so it had to be translated into our language. Sometimes the translators used incorrect words, causing misunderstandings and confusion. 

Most importantly, the Bible is challenging because right now, it’s meant to be that way. At this time, God is looking for faithful followers who want to know more about Him and His son, Jesus. In Isaiah (1:18 NASB) God says, “Come now, and let us reason together…” He wants us to dig deeper, so serious students of the Bible ask questions, discuss the Scriptures with other Christians, and use helpful study guides to learn the meanings of the ancient Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek words. 

So, why is the Bible so hard to read? It contains different types of writings that don’t always follow an easy, “beginning-to-end” order, as well as picture language that can represent other things. Translation mistakes can add to misunderstanding and confusion. Lastly, the Bible was meant to be difficult because right now God is looking for those who will put in the effort to study His wonderful plan for all people who have ever lived. Someday God's plan found in the Bible will be made clear for everyone to understand. Hebrews 8:11 tells us that one day all people will know the Lord.

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