To understand this statement of the Master it is necessary to remember the clearly marked distinction between the different ages of time.  John was the last of the prophets and belonged to the time period that was coming to an end – the “Jewish Age,” meaning the time God’s interaction was directly with the nation of Israel. The apostles and followers of Jesus, on the contrary, belonged to the new age of the gospel message (the “Gospel Age”) Jesus was inaugurating. 

The call of the gospel is to participate in the kingdom of God – Messiah’s holy future government under God Almighty. Our Lord Jesus is to be the Great King of the World during that Millennial Age. The heavenly Father is selecting from mankind “little flock” to be the true church, the most faithful followers of His son, Jesus, to be the “ministers of reconciliation” of mankind (2 Corinthians 5:11-21). They will be Christ’s “bride” in the work of uplifting and blessing the world of mankind. 

The first ones to be accepted into this kingdom condition received the holy spirit (God’s power and influence) at Pentecost. Since then, all who similarly are called and consecrate/dedicate their lives and are similarly begotten of the holy spirit are accepted as members of the heavenly kingdom class.

If faithful through the trials and testings of the present life, these shall be “kings and priests unto God” (Revelation 1:6; Revelation 20:4). The least one in these kings and priests will have a higher station than John the Baptist or any of the preceding prophets, because none were promised or given a heavenly reward before Jesus died.

John and the rest of mankind will also have great blessings, but they will be resurrected on earth. 

Additional Resources:

Christian Questions Podcast
Episode #1030: “Where is the Kingdom Jesus Told Us to Pray For?”
Uncovering what God’s kingdom is, how it works and who benefits
Preview Video
CQ Rewind Show Notes

Blog Post: What happens to the people in the Old Testament who died before Jesus?
Blog Post: Has God’s kingdom already started?

Download the free PDF Booklet: “God’s Plan” 
The ages and dispensations of God’s plan are illustrated and reveal that God has designed a brilliant, orderly, and loving future for our race.