The Bible is God’s inspired message to mankind. Within its pages, God instructs us about things which are important to our development and our salvation. Therefore, our focus should be on studying the Bible. The life application of these truths take a life time.

God’s knowledge and wisdom is infinite. There are innumerable things God knows which He has chosen not to share at this time. Jesus, Himself, said, “I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.” John 16:12 (NASB). Why might He have said this?

There are times when we are too immature to manage the responsibility of a truth. Our growth in knowledge is gradual. God opens our understanding and then we need to apply it to our hearts and our behaviors. As our characters mature, we can bear more truth. 

This is reflected in the development of our own children as well. Perhaps the parents of a five year old child become financially bankrupt. The family needs to sell their house and move to a small apartment. The parents need not explain why the family is leaving their beautiful home. The circumstances would needlessly alarm their child. They simply say the family is moving. The child trustingly moves with the parents. So it is with us. We learn, trust, and obey our heavenly Father.

Some knowledge can also be a distraction. The Apostle Paul wrote, “This one thing I do,” Philippians 3:13. The focus of our whole lives is to become more Christlike by serving and obeying God in everything we do. While some knowledge can be exciting and fun to our natural man, it will not help our new creature in Christ. Jesus did not pursue outside interests. He was consumed with obeying and glorifying His Father.

“God is love,” 1 John 4:8.  Rest assured that when some knowledge will be appropriate to know and a blessing to us, God will share it with us.