Spiritualism is a rapidly growing movement, numbering several millions of people, among which are some of the brightest minds of the day. There is no question as to many of the facts clearly established in the rites and ceremonies of Spiritism. Many of the phenomena produced, with the aid of spirit mediums, have been pronounced as beyond all controversy supernatural. The Bible tells us exactly to what these phenomena may be attributed. A clear account is given of the fall of some of the angels from Divine grace because of disobedience. These are restrained "in chains of darkness" (the darkness of the night–manifestations can take place only in the dark), until the judgment time. These demons or fallen angels have impersonated the dead and represented that they wished to communicate with their friends through the aid of mediums. Evidently it is displeasing to the Lord for any of His people to communicate with these demons. (See `Isa. 8:19,20`). The Superintendent of one of the largest insane asylums stated recently that fully one half of the insane patients were obsessed by evil spirits.