In Mark 1:21-26, Jesus cast out demons. In Matthew 10:1, Jesus also gave the apostles power to cast out demons. In Mark 9:28,29, after the disciples were unable to cast out a demon, Jesus said, “This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.” (Note, some original manuscripts omit the word “fasting,” so this does not appear in modern translations.)

We are no longer in apostolic days and their authority was not passed down to others. In the New Testament, the apostles never give any advice or instructions to the Christian churches about casting out demons. Rather, Ephesians 6:10-18 instructs that the Christian defense against demonic power is by putting on the armor of God of – faith, righteousness, truth, salvation, the Word of God, and spreading the gospel of peace.

So, exorcism, as often practiced with special rituals, is unadvisable for Christians today. However, since demon possession likely still occurs, if we come across someone who may be demon possessed, we can follow Jesus’ last instructions. First, the individual must be cooperative and truly want help. Then, our only option is to follow Jesus’ council. He said to pray for them. The individual must also focus his attention on eliminating any spirit that may be affecting him. This means they too must pray and ask God for help. Their thoughts must be focused on God’s word. This, of course, means any necessary lifestyle changes must be done. Certain habits, what they read or watch can all have a negative affect and keep them under demonic control.